William Michael Yenkevich paints in the Traditional Realist Style using the academic approach of the Old Masters of the 15th thru 19th centuries. He is gifted with an innate understanding of form, color, design, perspective, and proportion. Light is his muse and the Old Masters no doubt his inspiration. There's a certain intimacy and pastoral ease in Yenkevich's paintings.
Oil Painting & Drawing, Art History, Color, Historical Painting and Drawing Techniques, Art Restoration
Attended the Columbus College of Art & Design in Columbus, Ohio majoring in Illustration. He is self-taught in the traditional realist style. Since 1975 he’s been doing Independent Study and research on Old Master Painting, Drawing Techniques and Fine Art Restoration.
Painting and Drawing, Reading, Historical Painting and Drawing Research, Health and Fitness, Yoga and Chi Gung, Hiking and Camping
Oil Painting & Drawing, Art History, Color, Historical Painting and Drawing Techniques, Art Restoration
Attended the Columbus College of Art & Design in Columbus, Ohio majoring in Illustration. He is self-taught in the traditional realist style. Since 1975 he’s been doing Independent Study and research on Old Master Painting, Drawing Techniques and Fine Art Restoration.
Painting and Drawing, Reading, Historical Painting and Drawing Research, Health and Fitness, Yoga and Chi Gung, Hiking and Camping